Promoting healthy attachment

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Promoting healthy attachment

When you adopt a young child and you are trying to facilitate a secure attachment, there are a number of things that are important to keep in mind. First of all, skin on skin contact is important. Be physical with a child in a gentle way. Bathe with the child. Comb the child's hair. Rub lotion on the child in a soothing sort of way, not a perfunctory, "let's get the job done. Let's get the dry skin dealt with." Play games with the child. Get on the floor. Maintain good eye contact. Soft tones, sometimes parents will have the child sleep with them in their bed for a while, in order to facilitate the feeling nurtured and safe for a while. The goal here is to remain emotionally attuned to the child's needs as possible, and to respond in a timely and contingent way.

Watch Video: Promoting healthy attachment by David Brodzinsky, PhD, ...


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David Brodzinsky, PhD

Psychologist & Author

David Brodzinsky is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Foster Care Counseling Project at Rutgers University. He also maintains an active private practice serving the clinical needs of children and families, including individuals who are part of the adoption triad. Brodzinsky has written and lectured extensively in the fields of developmental and clinical psychology and is an internationally known expert in the field of adoption. He is co-author of such well-known books as, The Psychology of Adoption, Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self, and Children's Adjustment to Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues.

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