The decision to adopt can be a difficult decision for a couple to make. There are several different options available to adoptive parents. There is no one way that is better or more special than the others. Each has its upsides and pitfalls. The only true way to find out which option is best for your family is to carefully examine the adoption options below, and perform in-depth research on two or three of the options that appeal most to you. Whichever route your decide to take, please know that an adoption attorney is another part of the process that is needed in order to protect adoptive parents, birth parents, and the child's rights. Peruse the options listed to get a glimpse of each of the main types of adoption.
Domestic Adoption
Most people who wish to adopt overlook adopting domestically. Media Finance Specialist Susanne Bohnet points out how there are many different ethnicities of children available right at home. Domestic adoption also has very few fees in comparison to the international option. This option for adopting children is an excellent choice for those who still wish to have children but have spent thousands of dollars on unsuccessful fertility treatments.
Foster To Adopt
Foster to adopt is when a family goes through the screening process as if they were becoming foster parents. As adoptive mom Stacy Earl describes, children in foster care who become eligible for adoption are matched with parents who have went through the entire screening process and all required parenting courses. The potential parents then can decide with the social worker and therapist if this child is an appropriate match for the family. The child is then either adopted or matched with another family that would be more suitable.
Open Adoption
Adoption attorney Stephen Ravel shares how an open adoption works by allowing adoptive and birth parents to come to agreements about if and when the birth parents can have partial involvement with their child. Open adoption also allows birth parents to be able to make sure that they are personally comfortable with which family will be adopting their child, making a very difficult choice much less anxiety-provoking than it usually is for birth parents who choose to put their child up for adoption.
Adopting Children Outside of Infancy
Contrary to what many people believe, children can be adopted at any age. Adoptive mom Langka Treadwell encourages adoptive parents that have been unsuccessful with fertility treatments to opt for adopting children at infancy or as newborns while other adoptive parents may prefer to adopt a child that has special needs, has come out of foster care, or is a little bit older. Regardless of a parent's preference, there are options out there that will work within their parameters, so parents should keep this in mind should they feel that their choices are limited.
International Adoption
International adoption is a very popular form of adoption that is extremely recognizable due to the large number of children that influential figures have adopted from overseas over the last few decades. The upside to adopting from overseas is that you are sometimes rescuing a child from deplorable living conditions. However, international adoption is extremely expensive, and as adoption and foster care expert Jill Boyer notes, there are typically longer wait times. Boyer does suggest looking into adoption in suitable alternative locations if wait times are too long since there are many children waiting to be adopted into loving homes in countries with much shorter waiting lists. There is also a slight danger of unknowingly becoming involved in human trafficking rings, so it is recommended that parents thoroughly look into any and every adoption agency they are hoping to work with in order to ensure they are not illegally obtaining a child.
As evident by the amount of items listed above, there are many options available for those who wish to adopt a child. It is advisable that anyone looking to adopt a child should go to an adoption attorney, adoption agency, or social worker who can give them every piece of information that a parent will need in order to feel comfortable with the process, fees, and requirements for adoption. It is also important that parents keep an open mind and explore each option in depth so that they have realistic expectations and their decisions about adopting are well informed.
The foster to adopt program is great and can really be great for foster kids to find families they know and can relate to.