How to discourage teens from sex, drugs and violence
Author and psychologist Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video helps parents by explaining how to discourage teens from sex, drugs and violence.
The thing that drives parents the most to the seminars I do across the country are trying to keep the kids from doing drugs, sex and violence until at least they're 18 and it's a worthy cause. So, what works? How do you do that? Well, at first you have to understand the teen brain and this is brand new research, by the way. We now understand that teens do get the risks. You know how we always lecture to them the same way over and over. Drugs are bad. Sex are bad and so forth. They understand that. They've had the classes so they do get that. The difference between a teenager and an adult is the teen will more value the reward over the risk, the reward of the peer adulation, the reward of having the best looking boyfriend, the reward of being cool at the drug party. So, lecturing to them actually is a waste of time after you've told them one time. They're not stupid. They understand. They're just crazy. They'll go for the rewards. You know what the most effective strategy we have found is? Just say no. We mocked that back in the days of political slogan to tell kids don't do drugs, it's come back. For parents to say no lovingly, calmly, firmly. Parents will just say, "No, it's not okay to drink beer when you're 14. Sorry. It's not okay to have sex. Sorry." Those parents who maintain that calm presentation of saying it's not okay have kids that have much less of this risky behavior. It's not a guarantee that they won't do it. Most kids will dabble with this stuff but we find that when parents lovingly, without rage, without control over control, just tell them, "This is my value." Those kids are much more safe.
ELEMENTARY, Friendships and Social Life, Peer Pressure, Kids Health Ages 5 to 12, Talking about Sex, Bonding and Communication, Talking with Tweens, TEEN, Sexuality and Body Image, Talking about Sex, Parenting Teens, Talking with Teens, Health and Development, Teen Brain Development, Substance Use, Substance Abuse Prevention, Drugs and Other Substances, Alcohol Use, Tobacco Use
Author and psychologist Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video helps parents by explaining how to discourage teens from sex, drugs and violence.
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Michael J. Bradley, EdDPsychologist, Author & Speaker
Michael J. Bradley, EdD, award-winning author, has counseled adolescents and their parents for over 30 years and currently has a private practice in suburban Philadelphia. As a recognized specialist in adolescent behavior and parenting, Dr. Bradley is in demand as a speaker and facilitator for mental health professionals, educators, and parenting groups. He has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows, including CNN, The Today Show and Good Morning, America, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Parents Magazine. His website forum is a great source of advice and encouragement to parents.
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