Different types of teen dating relationships
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The different types of dating can be, for example, hooking up. Maybe you have somebody that when you go to a party, that´s the person you go home with and you have sex with. Or maybe it´s somebody that you are hooking with just one time. There can also be friends with benefits where maybe you know the person that you are with and you don´t have the traditional type of relationship but you are having sex. You are spending time together, but there is no implications that this a long term relationship. So relationships can vary. They can be all over the place but it mostly depends on what do the two people identity the relationship. And even then, sometimes maybe one person feels another way about the relationship than the other one. So when you are talking to someone about relationships, you need to ask them what kind of relationship are they in.
Watch Brian Pinero's video on Different types of teen dating relationships...
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Brian PineroAbuse Helpline Coordinator
Brian Pinero is the director of the National Dating Abuse Helpline, the advocacy service provider behind loveisrespect.org. Through loveisrespect, teens and young adults can receive crisis intervention and education about healthy relationships via text, chat or phone. Pinero has dedicated over 10 years to helping teens and has previously supervised youth shelter services, been an investigator at Child Protective Services and worked as a juvenile probation officer.
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