HPV Vaccine concerns

Pediatrician Lisa Stern, MD, discusses the possible concerns that parents may have about having their child vaccinated for HPV and explains why the benefits are well worth the potential costs of not being vaccinated
HPV Vaccine Concerns For Your Child
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HPV Vaccine concerns

I think parents should be educated about vaccines and they should be able to make an informed decision. So why wouldn't you get the HPV vaccine? Well, the vaccine's only been on the market for six years, so there's not a long track record – something to think about. The second reason is it's expensive. It's a series of three shots given over the course of about a year, and it is quite expensive, and it's not always covered by insurance. But the truth is, is that contracting HPV is way more expensive than the cost of the vaccine. And the third reason, which is also really valid, is the vaccine does not cover all strains of HPV and your child can still get HPV, although it does cover 90% of the strains that cause cervical cancer and 70% of the strains that cause genital warts.

Pediatrician Lisa Stern, MD, discusses the possible concerns that parents may have about having their child vaccinated for HPV and explains why the benefits are well worth the potential costs of not being vaccinated


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Lisa Stern, MD


Dr. Lisa is a pediatrician at Tenth Street Pediatrics in Santa Monica. Following her training at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and UCLA Medical Center she began to practice a style of medicine that encourages a common sense approach to health and wellness. She empowers parents to use the resources available to them and teaches them to trust their own judgment. She feels strongly that people come to parenthood with their own history and it is valuable to have a objective third party to discuss the big and small issues that parents face on a daily basis. Lisa's patients range from healthy children to those with complex medical histories.


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