Teens and the driving privilege

Adolescent behavior specialist Michael Bradley, EdD, shares advice for parents regarding teenagers and the privilege of driving
Advice For Parenting Teens | Teenagers And The Driving Privilege | Kids in the House
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Teens and the driving privilege

I unfortunately do recommend those monitoring devices for teen drivers such as cameras and the on-board computers that actually record driving behavior, why? If your child was going to fly an airplane for the first time, would you say, "Okay, go ahead terrific you passed the test." It is not what they do with airplanes, there is always somebody who is more skilled with you to observed your driving patters, behavior before you are okay with this. So with your teenager, those monitoring devices give you a real good way of seeing if he is driving in a control fashion. Remember the teen brain is not wired to drive. It is wired to take risk more that it is wired to avoid risk. So, what you say to your child is, it is a terrible invasion of privacy. We understand that we get it but we love you too much to risk you getting killed because we are reluctant to make you feel uncomfortable with the camera in the care. it is for a short time, if we feel your are doing a good job, the camera will leave.
TEEN, Responsibilities, Driving

Adolescent behavior specialist Michael Bradley, EdD, shares advice for parents regarding teenagers and the privilege of driving


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Michael J. Bradley, EdD

Psychologist, Author & Speaker

Michael J. Bradley, EdD, award-winning author, has counseled adolescents and their parents for over 30 years and currently has a private practice in suburban Philadelphia. As a recognized specialist in adolescent behavior and parenting, Dr. Bradley is in demand as a speaker and facilitator for mental health professionals, educators, and parenting groups. He has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows, including CNN, The Today Show and Good Morning, America, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Parents Magazine. His website forum is a great source of advice and encouragement to parents.

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