Recognizing signs of suicide risk

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Recognizing signs of suicide risk | Kids in the House
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Recognizing signs of suicide risk

If you think that your child is thinking about hurting himself or herself or anybody else, you've got to get help. It's a very serious situation. Parents shouldn't be put in the position of trying to decide for themselves, are they serious or are they making this up, are they just trying to upset me? If you have a child that's talking about hurting themselves, that's thinking about hurting themselves, or you're thinking in the back of your mind they might be thinking about this, get help. Talk to your pediatrician or your family doctor. Call your school guidance counselor. Do whatever you have to do to get to a mental health professional with the appropriate training and expertise to help you figure out if this is a serious situation, if your child is serious, and what kind of help you need.

Watch Video: Recognizing signs of suicide risk by David Fassler, MD, ...


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David Fassler, MD

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

David Fassler, MD, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist practicing in Burlington, Vermont. A graduate of Yale University School of Medicine, he completed his training in adult psychiatry at the University of Vermont, and in child psychiatry at Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He currently serves as clinical director of Otter Creek Associates, a multidisciplinary practice providing comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment services. Dr. Fassler is also a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont, and the Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families.

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