Private middle school acceptance tips

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Private middle school acceptance tips

Once you are applying to private middle school, your child's acceptance depends more on the child than on you. Part of the application process is taking the entrance exam, the IC. The independent school entrance exam. Part of the application is not just the parent part of the application, but student part of the application. In the student part, they are asking your student questions about what they are interested in in school, what they are interested in outside of school, but they are also looking at your child's writing abilities and what grade level they actually appear to be at, no matter what their grades are. All of those factors enter into a middle school acceptance. They are also going to interview your child and assess them. That's in addition to teacher recommendations and the school recommendations that come with that. Also, some middle schools start at Sixth Grade and some start at Seventh. The ones that begin in Sixth, often take public school kids starting at Sixth Grade. As opposed to private school kids, who often start at Seventh Grade. If you are a public school student, you definitely want to look at schools that accept Sixth Grade applications. If you are coming from a private school, you'll definitely start looking at schools that start at Seventh Grade applications.

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Sandy Eiges, MA

Education Consultant

Sandy Eiges, M.S.W., is the founder of L.A. School Scout™ LLC, the top city-wide admissions consulting company for preschool through college. She is not only knowledgeable about private and parochial schools, K-12, including boarding schools, but she is also an expert in explaining and navigating the myriad public school options as well. She has been interviewed for Spectrum News, Beyond the Brochure, the Los Angeles Times, the Hollywood Reporter, and is the school admissions expert on the website Kids in the House. Sandy is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). For the past 15 years Sandy’s company, L.A. School Scout™ LLC, has helped parents with the planning and admissions process for preschool, elementary school, middle, high school and college for their children

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