The strengths of ADD and dyslexia

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The strengths of ADD and dyslexia | Kids in the House
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The strengths of ADD and dyslexia

We are watching our child struggle in school on a daily basis, sometimes it's hard to understand how could this style of thinking that caused the dyslexia or caused the ADD, be a gift. Those are the learning disabilities. The gift is in the style of thinking. These are highly visual, spatial, and conceptual learners that have the ability to distort perception and perceive it as reality. That's a problem in school, but in the real world, this style of thinking allows you to be a lego builder extraordinare. It allows you to be an artist. As you get older, it allows you to be the best architect, movie producer, musician, actor you can be. Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein, being dyslexia and, I think, probably Asperger's or high-functioning Autism himself, came up with his theory or relativity by going into that visual world that he could create, and distorting that perception. He sat on a bus, and he visualized and wondered; what if this bus was going at the speed of light? He could visualize it. He could see lights passing on both sides. Then he looked at a clock that was in the square and he had realized that time had not passed. This is where he came up with his theory of relativity.

Watch Video: The strengths of ADD and ADHD by Angela Gonzales, MD, ...


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Angela Gonzales, MD

Dyslexia & ADD Specialist

Dr. Angela L. Gonzales (Dr. Angie) is a Pediatrician, Licensed Davis Facilitator, transformational speaker, and mother of three. Currently, Dr. Angie owns and runs Renaissance Mind in Norco, CA.  Renaissance Mind is a Learning Facility where Dr. Angie uses both her Davis Facilitator License and medical expertise. Through Renaissance Mind, she is able to help clients, educators and parents learn skills and techniques that help overcome the obstacles of learning that accompany the unique thinking styles of those with Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Renaissance Mind programs utilize multiple, non-pharmaceutical, techniques that are tactile, fun, and unique to each client.  The programs also include help with focusing, comprehension, math skills, reading and handwriting skills.  As a transformational and instructional speaker and educator, Dr. Angie has dedicated herself to helping others, of all ages, to find joy and peace in their lives.  Through Renaissance Mind she offers multiple educational courses and workshops that aid individuals on their path to total wellness of mind, body and soul.

Prior to running Renaissance Mind, Dr. Angie received her BA in Physiology from the University of California at San Diego and then went on to obtain a doctorate in medicine from Drew/UCLA School of Medicine.  She completed her pediatric residency at Martin Luther King Hospital and then spent an additional year as Chief Resident to aid in teaching pediatric residents. Following her medical training she worked in Downey, California as a general pediatrician for seven years.  During this time she served on multiple committees both at the clinic and hospital.  

As Dr. Angie's family grew she transitioned her time from the clinic to time with her children, trading her full time practice for part time work covering other physicians’ practices when necessary. As her youngest child’s school experience increased in difficulty, she left medicine to aid in his education. Despite her efforts at homeschooling, her son continued to have learning challenges.  It wasn’t until she found a Davis® Facilitator that her son began to have success in school. She saw the success in her son defined by increasing reading ability, appropriate coping mechanisms and improving self esteem and confidence.  Her son’s success was her inspiration to go back to work, but not as a physician, as a Davis® Facilitator. As she began her journey, providing answers for those with learning differences, she realized that the sum total of the individual was far more than just their ability to learn.  She began to work with the total individual to promote total wellness.  This led her into her other passion: helping to heal the whole person. 

Dr. Angie was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and is a product of the Los Angeles Unified School District. She currently resides in Riverside, CA with her husband of 23 years, her four children (including her nephew) and three dogs.

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