KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
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How the Media and Pop-Stars Affect our Children

Parenting Advice Concerning Sexuality and Media with Dr. Jean Kilbourne

The effect celebrities and media have in the lives of children is profound. In the current age, many young girls look up to the likes of Disney stars, singers, and actresses in an idealized "role model" fashion, with intent to walk, talk, dress, and act similarly to those they idolize. The question is: how do we allow our childfen the freedo to embrace and enjoy the media and entertainment, yet curb the over-sexualized behavior that is easily the end result?

Award-winning author Dr. Jean Kilbourne Ed.D. discusses this topic in depth with Kids in the House: The Ultimate Parenting Resource, and sheds some light onto how parents can protect their kids from becoming "So Sexy, So Soon."


“Celebrities have tremendous influence on children and teens” Dr. Kilbourne explains, “The fan base for many celebrities is very young kids especially little girls. This early exposure to such content influences how children want to look or dress and also pushes children into early sexualization.” 


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About Kids in the House

Kids in the House: The Ultimate Parenting Resource is an educational website with the goal of helping parents and caregivers become better at parenting by educating, inspiring and entertaining. The 8,000 videos on the website feature interviews with over 450 top experts in parenting, including physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators and best-selling authors, as well as leaders of national organizations. The videos also feature parents who have dealt with particular issues and can share their hard-earned wisdom. Parents have the opportunity to hear and share different perspectives and get solutions for parenting challenges that range from pregnancy through getting into college. Kids in the House aims to be the most comprehensive resource for parenting advice, one which respects the fact that there is no on-size-fits-all solution.