Tips for long waits with little kids

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Tips for long waits with little kids

Waiting with little kids s not easy. They are fidgety and impatient's. So, as much as we all turn to our cellphone these days, to show them pictures or to let them play apps. Sometimes, we are not prepared for that either. What I recommend is to always keep a piece of paper and a pen to purse and here are the 3 things to do to make a long week fun: One is you can play I-spy. For the little one you would say I-spy something blue and you take turns, you guess what it is until they finally figure it out. In older child you can make it more complicated. With the pen, you can draw little characters on your finger tips and tell a little story where you are using your fingers. Your kids probably haven't seen you draw on your hand before and they will be so wowed by that, that can take a long time. And then the third thing is take the piece of paper and pen and draw a little track of cars and use then use coins from your purse to move your little car around the track. And that could be a way to spend some time while waiting for food to arrive at a restaurant or waiting in line for something.

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Whitney Moss

Author & Blogger

Upon becoming a mom, Whitney Moss joined forces with her BFF Heather Gibbs, and they began writing down hundreds ideas for fun things to do – with babies in tow. The result was their book, The Rookie Mom's Handbook: 250 Activities To Do With (and Without!) Your Baby and website,, which has been on's list of Top 50 Mom Blogs twice. Whitney has been a contributor on and spoken at the MamaBear family tech conference.  Whitney lives in the Bay Area with her husband and two children: Julian, eight and Scarlett, five. She grew up in Los Angeles, CA and attended Barnard College.

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