When to call poison control

Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on when you should call poison control if you believe your child may have come in contact with a poison
When To Call Poison Control If Your Child May Be Poisoned
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When to call poison control

Any time you have a situation in the home where a child comes in contact with a potentially poisonous substance, like a medication or a cleaning product or a cosmetic or anything else that you think may cause harm to your child, give us a call at Poison Control. Our philosophy is, don't guess, be sure. We encourage that parents don't do their own research and try to find their own information because there is a lot of misinformation out there. We are the experts at Poison Control. We have certified specialists in poison information that can give you the right kind of advice and the most current advice as to what to do if your child comes into contact with a poisonous substance. Give us a call at Poison Control and we can help you make a decision about what to do next. In addition, we advise that you always keep our number, 1-800-222-1222; next to your phone, on your refrigerator, and anywhere else in the house it might be useful to have. In addition, make sure that all caretakers, the nannies, the grandparents, the caretakers, all have access to the number; 1-800-222-1222.

Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on when you should call poison control if you believe your child may have come in contact with a poison


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Cyrus Rangan, MD

Medical Toxicologist, Poison Control

Cyrus Rangan, MD, is a pediatrician and medical toxicologist. Cyrus serves as the Assistant Medical Director with the California Poison Control System and medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Over 70% of the calls received at the center are able to stay at home and avoid a visit to the hospital, based on the over-the-phone support of the center. Cyrus is also the father of two boys, age seven and four, with whom he enjoys practicing Kung Fu. 

Poisons, Poisons, Poison, Poison
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