Touring multiple preschools

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Touring multiple preschools | Kids in the House
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Touring multiple preschools

How many Preschools should you look into and tour? Well, it depends on where you live. If you live in a smaller town, your choices will be more limited. You will only have a few choices of Preschools, so you should look at all of them. If you live in a big city, you're going to have a lot of choices, maybe over a hundred. It can be overwhelming. We recommend that you really look at five to seven schools, and keep in mind, that location is very important. Often at this age, children only go to school for three hours a day. It's important that the location be where you are not driving or commuting more than 15-20 minutes to that schools. I also recommend to look at one school outside of your comfort. Maybe there is a school right in your neighborhood and you've decided not to go there, for whatever reason. Maybe someone said it wasn't good or maybe it's attached to a church and you're not religious. Whatever the reason, try and look at least one school that is outside of their comfort zone. That's what I always recommend when people come to us looking for a Preschool.

See Joanna Port's video on Touring multiple preschools...


Expert Bio

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Joanna Port

Educational Specialist & Executive Director of PEL

Joanna Port is Executive Director of the Parents Education League (PEL) of Los Angeles. She holds a master's degree in Education from Pepperdine University and a master's degree in Social Work from University of Southern California. Before having four children of her own, she worked as a social worker with families and children in residential treatment. After she obtained her teaching credential, she worked as a teacher for four years. Coming back to work as PEL's Executive Director, she is able to combine her degrees and interest in education and children's mental health in her hometown, Los Angeles.

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