Zero-stress potty training method

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Zero-stress potty training method | Kids in the House
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Zero-stress potty training method

What I learned about potty training with my first daughter was that they show a natural interest. They watch mommy and daddy go to the bathroom, use the bathroom. There's books about kids using the bathroom. You don't really have to teach it to them. They observe and then they become curious. What I did is really supported that curiosity. We never potty trained. We just potty supported. So my daughter would say, "I think I have to--" She would start wiggling and I'd go, "Do you want to use the potty?" and she'd go, "Okay," and we'd run to the bathroom. Or she would say, "Mommy, I want to use the potty." Sometimes she would just pretend. We'd just support it. "That's amazing. You're on the potty. That's wonderful." So we did it with just interest, encouragement, and support. We didn't use a reward system. We didn't use any other tricks. It was really just following her natural desire to use the potty and be out of diapers.

See Andrea Bendewald's video on Zero-stress potty training method...


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Andrea Bendewald

Actor & Mom

Andréa Bendewald is an actress who has worked in television, movies and theatre for the past 15 years. Some of her credits include, Last Man Standing, Without a Trace, The Game, According to Jim, Two and Half Men, House, Entourage, CSI Miami, Center of the Universe, Men Behaving Badly, That '70s Show, Providence, Ellen, Friends, Seinfeld and Employee of the Month.

In addition to her acting career Andréa, is founder of where she brings the power of celebration to Angelenos by creating sacred ceremonies and facilitating transformational circles.  She is happily married to actor/writer, Mitch Rouse, and is a proud mother to their two beautiful children, Tennessee Louise and Strummer James.  

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