Explaining HSG

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains what the HSG test is, how it is performed, and what fertility issues that it tests for
What Is The HSG Test? - Expert Fertility Tips
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Explaining HSG

An HSG stands for a hysterosalpingogram. It's a mouthful. Essentially, why we do this test is because it evaluates the uterus and also the tubes. What is done is dye is injected into the uterus and then theoretically it goes through the tubes and spills out into the abdominal cavity. We then can see if there is anything inside of the uterus that would prevent implantation and we can see if the tubes are open so that the egg and sperm can meet in the tube. While that dye is being injected into the uterus serial x-rays are taken so that we get the images we need to see. This should be done either by a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility doctor or a radiologist who specializes in this type of procedure. If it's not, there are subtleties that can be missed and therefore we recommend that it's done in these hands.
PREGNANCY, Fertility, Infertility

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains what the HSG test is, how it is performed, and what fertility issues that it tests for


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Kari Sproul, MD

Fertility Specialist

Kari Sproul is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility (REI) doctor in Los Angeles. She sees patients who have irregular menstrual cycles, as well as patients who are trying to conceive.  She is married and has a 20-month-old son.  In her spare time, she enjoys all outdoor activities.  She also loves to run and recently completed her first triathlon. 

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