Supporting friends with a child in the NICU

Heather Spohr, Blogger and Mom, shares advice for parents on the best ways they can help a friend with a child in the NICU
Advice For Supporting A Friend With A Child In The NICU
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Supporting friends with a child in the NICU

If you have friend with a child in the NICU, there are a lot of very easy things that you can do to support them. The first thing, the most important thing is to stay in touch with them. Check in. Know that they may not be able to get back to you, but they know that you are thinking about them a lot. Send them emails. Leave them voice mails. Send them a text message. It is really important for them to know that they have family and friends out there thinking about you. The other thing that you can do is to offer specific things that you can do for the family. If they have another child, walk the child to and from school. Walk the dog, bring over meals. Offer to do specific things for the family, because they are going to be so occupied with their sick child that they are not even going to know what they need. By saying to them, "I'm going bring you meals, do you need them?" Or, "I'm going to mow your lawn," they'll say, "Yes." Because they don't know what they need you to do. Be proactive and giving them specific tasks that you can do is going to be really important for that family.

Heather Spohr, Blogger and Mom, shares advice for parents on the best ways they can help a friend with a child in the NICU


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Heather Spohr

Blogger & Mom

Heather Spohr is a writer and philanthropist who blogs at the award-winning blog, "The Spohrs Are Multiplying". She is a top fundraiser for the March of Dimes and the President and Co-Founder of “Friends Of Maddie,” a charitable organization that supports the families of critically ill babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. She has spoken at numerous conferences, on CNN, and before members of Congress.

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