Questions to ask NICU doctors and nurses

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Questions to ask NICU doctors and nurses | Kids in the House
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Questions to ask NICU doctors and nurses

Some questions you want to ask the NICU doctors and nurses are, what is the plan for the day? Each day, the doctors and nurses discuss a plan for each patient. So you'll want to know what the plan is. You want to know why they are or are not changing things. Often those changes involve going up or down on ventilator settings and feedings. You want to have a basic idea of why they are doing those things and what they are working towards and what is the progress. What are the milestones that we are hoping to reach with our child? Also, you want to be asking questions about what the equipment is. When Charlotte was about three months old, she went back on the ventilator. And even though she had been on the ventilator before, it had been about four weeks between the last time she was on the ventilator. I had the respiratory therapist come over and explain all of the ventilator settings all over again. Asking questions is so important. If there is any question you don't understand, ask it a million times. That's what those doctors, nurses, and therapists are there to do. They are there to help you understand what's going on with your child. You should feel 100 percent comfortable asking the question, no matter how many times you've asked it.

See Amanda Knickerbocker's video on Questions to ask NICU doctors and nurses...


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Amanda Knickerbocker

Blogger & Mom

Amanda Knickerbocker is the wife of a pediatrician, and the mother of two children aged three and twenty months. When her daughter was born at 1.2 Pounds, 11 inches, spending 200 days in the NICU, Amanda began blogging about her family’s experience. She continues to offer support and community to parents of preemies at Understanding Prematurity. 

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