What to expect at your induction

OBGYN Lauren Hyman, MD, explains how the labor and birth experience with an induction are different from ones without an induction
What To Expect During Labor With An Induction
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What to expect at your induction

The labor and birth experience with an induction is very similar to one without one. It's just that your labor gets kick started instead of you coming in to labor and delivery already having contractions or already having broken your bag of water. Generally, you come in either the night before you anticipate delivering or the morning of and the doctor or the nurse or the midwife places some type of agent either in your cervix or in your vagina. One can use Cervidil which is a shoe lace that has Prostaglandin in it that lasts for 12 hours or Prostine which is a gel that goes in to your cervix or Misoprostol, a little pill that goes in to your vagina to start the labor process. Once the contractions start coming, then your labor is very similar to when you weren't induced. The doctor may come in after your cervix has started to dilate and break the bag of water to further help the contractions come along and the nurse will periodically check your cervix to see if dilation is progressing. And, after this occurs, Pitocin may also be used to get the contractions closer together and stronger and off you go. You're in labor just like any other woman. It's just that your labor was kick started.

OBGYN Lauren Hyman, MD, explains how the labor and birth experience with an induction are different from ones without an induction


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Lauren D. Hyman, MD

Obstetrician Gynecologist

Dr. Lauren Hyman is a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist. After receiving her ScB from Brown University and her medical degree from Yale University, Dr. Hyman returned to Southern California where she has been in private practice in the West Hills area for fifteen years. She can be seen weekly on Hallmark Channelʼs Home and Family Pregnancy Series and is a contributing writer on mom.me. She lives with her husband and two children in Los Angeles.

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