What can kids learn from singular and team sports?
Celebrity trainer and widely known athlete Owen McKibbin shares everything there is to know about what can kids learn from singular and team sports.
When it comes to sports and children, I think first and foremost is movement and activity. I think singular sports are great. I also think team sports are great. The advantage of team sports is you let them realize there's a lot of other people counting on besides you.
If you don't show up, it makes the other teammates' jobs harder to complete. And it gives you a sense of once you start something, I don't care if you don't want to do it again, but you will finish it.
So there's a start and a process and an end to it. And if at that point they want to switch sports, great. I think variety is amazing. Singular sports, I've always been a team sport guy. Singular sports, you have to have a lot of mental fortitude, like a distance runner for example. No one's going to go job 26 miles with you. Pretty sure you're on your own.
Youth sports, I think soccer is great for creating bone density, lateral mobility because you're jumping forward, sprinting. As far as specializing in something, I think it's always good to expose your child to everything. When my child was small, I was always throwing things at him. Pretty soon he was catching them and throw things back. Making him use one hand. Making him use the other hand. We would kick balls.
So literally it was just play time. We would eat-play-sleep. Wake up and do this whole routine over again. Specializing is interesting. First the kid has to show an interest in that sport. You can't force a kid who's frightened of water or doesn't have a propensity for water to be a swimmer.
Go with what seems to be a natural thing for them and then observe them and see if they acclimate towards it. If they want to do it on their own, if they take ownership over what they're doing.
My son started off in club soccer. He doesn't play soccer anymore, but he enjoys kicking the ball around. Then it was basketball. he's still a great basketball player, but he prefers football. So now we've really specialized in football. Specifically he's a quarterback.
I like to not coach my son too much because I want to remain his friend and his parent. And I like other people to make him do stuff that he probably doesn't want to do.
Celebrity trainer and widely known athlete Owen McKibbin shares everything there is to know about what can kids learn from singular and team sports.
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