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gender-neutral nursery
There are lots of advantages to having a nursery that is perfectly suitable for any baby, regardless of their gender. By creating an adorable room that features bright colors and adaptable furniture you can ensure that your baby will be comfortable well into their toddler years. Should you have another baby of a different gender, or if you are a parent of girl and boy twins, there is no need to give your nursery a complete makeover as long as you opt for gender-neutral décor in the first place. Here are a few ideas to get you started.  
Pregnancy exercises
The best way to prepare for the joys and challenges of pregnancy is by taking good care of yourself. That includes making time for things you enjoy, getting plenty of rest, eating well, and maintaining an exercise routine. In the following article, we'll share some tips for safe, effective exercises for every stage of pregnancy, from your first trimester to delivery day.
digital age parenting
As parents, how do you stay relevant in the digital age and how do you deal with your kids’ constant consumption of digital media?
parent child
The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on how much we have grown and on what areas of our lives we would like to improve upon. For those of us with kids, an honest evaluation of our successes and failures in 2017 can lead to us becoming better parents in 2018! Here are 10 things you can do to be a better parent in 2018: 1. Express Gratitude If you make the expression of gratitude routine in your home, everyone will feel a greater sense of contentment with life as it is.
Toddler Throws A Tantrum
Toddlers that throw tantrums are not problem children or spoiled children, they are just normal kids struggling to cope with difficult emotions. If your child is throwing fits and embarrassing you in public, rest assured, they are not a brat, their frustrations are real and they are just expressing themselves the only way they know how. Here are four things you can do to help the situation next time your toddler is throwing a tantrum:
elective c-section
More and more women are choosing to plan their child’s birth ahead of time with elective C-sections. In fact, the number of C-sections in the U.S. has doubled in the last decade, accounting for over 1.3 million births. Proponents of elective C-sections favor the control it gives them over the birthing process, with pregnant mothers now able to know weeks ahead of time when they will give birth and for about how long — among other benefits. Some doctors aren’t sold on the concept, however.
RIE Parenting Philosophy
One of the most challenging and life changing aspects of becoming a new parent is the realization that you are now responsible — every minute of every day — for another human being. For this new soul, you are the center of the universe. All of your child’s needs — sustenance, safety, love, learning, comfort and security flow from you.
empower your teen
Guest Author: Josh Shipp is an author, global youth empowerment expert, and acclaimed speaker. A former at-risk foster kid turned youth advocate, he is renowned for his documentary TV series (A&E), that followed his ground-breaking work with teens. He is the author of the national bestseller “The Teen’s Guide to World Domination”
sisters and siblings
The relationship that siblings have with each other is vital to their character development, their sense of personal history and even the happiness they feel in old age. A positive relationship with a brother or a sister in childhood will result in a best friend for life. It is often the longest and most important relationship we can have, which is why it is so important for parents to nurture it from the start.
attachment parenting blog
Congratulations on becoming a parent! Have you decided how you are going to raise your child? Chances are, before your baby is even born, everyone around you has already formed a strong opinion about which parenting style is best. But, how you decide to parent will ultimately depend on your lifestyle, personality and your baby’s temperament.
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