Most common issues facing premature babies

Neonatologist Philippe Friedlich, MD, explains the most common issues and risks that are faced be premature babies after being born
The Most Common Issues Facing Premature Babies
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Most common issues facing premature babies

Many parents at the time of a premature birth will ask their doctor what are the common problems that they can expect. The first answer to that question is that it depends on how immature, or premature, your baby is. The more common problems have to do with respiratory issues. Some babies sometimes need a little help in breathing in the form of oxygen or some medications. Feeding is also another major problem associated with prematurity. Babies cannot suck and swallow until they are around 34 weeks of gestation. So babies born before that may have difficulties feeding. Their intestines may be immature and not ready to accept a large volume of feedings. Other issues may have to do with their brain. The more immature an infant is, the more fragile their brains are and sometimes they can have complications associated with immaturity. The babies eyes and hearing mechanisms may also be immature, and depending other associated complications can have long-term sequela from the prematurity.

Neonatologist Philippe Friedlich, MD, explains the most common issues and risks that are faced be premature babies after being born


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Philippe Friedlich, MD


Philippe Friedlich, MD, MS Epi, MBA is the Associate Director and Division Chief of the Center for Fetal and Neonatal Medicine at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, as well as the Medical Director of the hospital’s Newborn & Infant Critical Care Unit (NICCU). Dr. Friedlich is a professor of Pediatrics and Surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.   

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