Can you target postpartum problem areas?

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Can you target postpartum problem areas? | Kids in the House
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Can you target postpartum problem areas?

You cannot target certain areas on your body that change during pregnancy. There's no such thing as spot-training. You train the body all over all at the same time. Most women postpartum, what they're trying to do is lose the baby fat. And that comes off all over the body all at the same time. Just because you've gained a little through the stomach or on the hips or on the butt doesn't mean you can do leg lifts or crunches or anything to specifically spot that area. You have to work the total body all the time.

See Tom Williams, PhD's video on Can you target postpartum problem areas?...


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Tom Williams, PhD


Tom Williams, the founder of, is a Certified Personal Trainer. He has worked in Santa Monica, CA for over ten years. Tom initially created the first fatburn as a tool to help his clients achieve their weight loss goals. The before and after pictures you see on this website are almost ALL Tom's clients (who used the fatburn system) over the last 12 months. Prior to becoming a personal trainer, Tom was a world class swimmer, winning gold medals and setting records in the Pan American Games, World University Games and U.S. Open in the 50M freestyle. He swam with the U.S team for 6 years. While competing at a world class level, Tom earned a BA in Business & Communications from The University of Iowa. He also coached the Men's Swim Team at The Ohio State University for two years while pursuing his PhD in Counseling Psychology.

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