How sex changes in a marriage

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for couples on how they can expect their sex life to change after marriage and how to keep it strong
Marriage Advice - How Sex Changes In A Marriage
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How sex changes in a marriage

Couples can expect that in a typical marriage, that their sex life will change. There are several changes that happen to people’s bodies, including their hormones, physical changes that will affect the sex life. Also, you may feel your attraction, and your libido and your physical response to sex will change overtime. So the person who you first met and felt was your perfect sexual match may be wanting very different things from you at this time in your relationship. And I think the best thing to do is to change right along with the physical changes that you’re feeling and the emotional changes by changing your perspective and maybe shaking things up in your sex life. You also may want to take a look at yourself and ask, “Are you in touch with your sexuality?” You can ask yourself things like, “What turns me on?” “And when I feel disconnected from my partner, what is it that I do to reestablish that connection so that we can have a satisfying sexual life?”

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for couples on how they can expect their sex life to change after marriage and how to keep it strong


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Sheila Kamen, PsyD

Psychologist & Sex Therapist

Sheila Kamen works with individuals and couples in La Jolla, California.  She works with individuals and couples as a coach and therapist. She specializes in couples therapy, sex therapy, and relationship coaching. She also offers premarital and family building counseling. While she no longer works with children, she does help parents with issues related to children.  Sheila lives in San Diego. 

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