Working with your partner to effectively co-parent

Sherre Hirsch, Rabbie and Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents on how to effectively communicate and work with your partner in order to be successful co-parents
How To Work With Your Partner To Effectively Co-Parent
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Working with your partner to effectively co-parent

I love my husband very, very much. I can't stand the way he co-parents. It took me a long time to admit it. First, I'm a woman and he's a man. We know, fundamentally, we are different, but it's the, I'm always the strict one, and he's always the nice, good guy one. He comes home and he plays, and I'm always the mean one. It took me a long time to get over it. Here's what actually got me over it: One day, I was watching him playing with our children jumping on the bed, seething with anger because it was five minutes before bedtime and he was riling them up. I thought for a second, they need me. They need the discipline, but they need the fun too, and together we're better parents to them. I try and remember that when I'm trying to make him be a better parent, that this is for my kids. I partner with this guy that I love dearly, but sometimes I want to strangle. He's a great parent to my children, just a different parent than me. That's why God gave my children both of us.

Sherre Hirsch, Rabbie and Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents on how to effectively communicate and work with your partner in order to be successful co-parents


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Rabbi Sherre Hirsch

Rabbi & Relationship Expert

Rabbi Sherre Hirsch is a mother of four, author, speaker, TV personality, teacher and the spiritual life consultant for Canyon Ranch.  After eight years at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, she stepped out from behind the formal podium to share her message in all kinds of pulpits from The Today Show to a small baptist church in Alabama.  She published her first book, We Plan, God Laughs: What to Do When Life Hits You Over the Head in 2008; her second book will be published in early 2013. Rabbi Hirsch spends her free time practicing yoga, baking brownies and playing freeze dance with her husband and children.

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