Make your own toothpaste

Bea Johnson, Author of Zero Waste Home, shares her top tips on how to reduce waste in your bathroom
Eco Friendly Tips For The Bathroom - Kids In The House
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Make your own toothpaste

My top tips for the bathroom would be finding a bulk source for shampoo and conditioner. It's using solid soap, in lieu of liquid soap, because usually liquid soap comes in plastic container and replacing the disposables for reusables. For example, my husband has shaves with a double edge razor, in lieu of a disposable razor. He dries his blade after each use so that the blade actually lasts six months, instead of just a few days. We also have cotton rounds that are washable, in lieu of cotton balls. We make a home tooth powder with baking soda.

Bea Johnson, Author of Zero Waste Home, shares her top tips on how to reduce waste in your bathroom


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Bea Johnson

Blogger & Author of Zero Waste Home

Bea Johnson and her family strive to live a zero-waste lifestyle. Through her blog,, Bea shares waste-reducing tips and inspires a growing community to live simply and take a stance against needless waste.  She shatters preconceptions about environmental living with passion, proving that zero waste can not only be "stylish", but also lead to significant time and money savings. Grand-prize winner of "The Green Awards" in 2011, she has appeared on TV and in multiple international publications, and has become the spokesperson for the zero waste lifestyle. Bea currently lives in California and has completed her first book. 

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