Meet Theresa M. Payton

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Meet Theresa M. Payton | Kids in the House
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Meet Theresa M. Payton

I am Theresa Payton and I am a cyber security expert. I cut my cheque a little bit on cyber security when working in banking realizing that fraudsters and cyber crime were really taking over and we needed to protect our customers better. And from there, I got the distinct honor and wonderful opportunity to work at the white house for 2 and half years. And that's where I really became determined to protect people, protect businesses and protect organizations from what's going on out there on the internet. So that's what I do now. I dedicate my time to teaching businesses, how to expand their horizons, yet be safer online and teaching consumers and kids how to have a great time online, how to build a great digital persona, but at the same time be more aware of the threats so they can be safer. I am the proud wife of a former Naval officer who is now in banking and I have 3 wonderful kids and I spend lot of my weekends with these wonderful kids at their soccer games and when I have sort of downtime by myself, I love to go running and If I can't go running because the weather is bad, I love to do kickboxing. So that's just a little bit about me.
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Theresa M. Payton

National Cyber Security Expert

Theresa Payton is a well-known and highly respected national authority on cybersecurity, e-crime and fraud mitigation, and technology implementation. She has over twenty years of advanced business and security technology expertise and leadership at the highest levels of government and in the financial services industry, including being the first woman to serve as Chief Information Officer at the White House.  She is a wife and mother to three fabulous and fun kids.  She is also the co-author of the newly released book Protecting Your Internet Identity: Are You Naked Online? and the founder of the S.A.F.E. Kids initiative - a classroom-based, digital safety program.

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