Advice regarding divorce and childcare

Talitha Davies Wegner, Family Attorney, shares advice for parents going through a divorce on the importance of factoring the costs of childcare
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Advice regarding divorce and childcare

My advice for parents going through divorce is understand how much your children cost. The number one thing that people do is underestimate how much it costs on a daily basis or monthly basis to raise their kids. They do not track every dollar they spend. And therefore when you ask how much you're going to need for child support, how much are your living expenses, people don't really know, they ballpark. And they forget that they have birthday parties and gifts they have to buy and uniforms and sports shoes and all of the other things that happen which you just sort of don't plan for. And the reason why that's so important is because when you're asking for support, you only want to ask once. You don't want to have to go back to court. You don't want to change things once they're set; you want to get it right the first time. So do your homework, figure out what it's really costing you, and come up with a realistic number. You'll save yourself a lot of time and money.

Talitha Davies Wegner, Family Attorney, shares advice for parents going through a divorce on the importance of factoring the costs of childcare


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Talitha Davies Wegner


Talitha Davies Wegner is a Los Angeles attorney specializing in family matters. Her warm personality and compelling litigation skills enable her clients to navigate legal challenges with confidence and peace of mind. Genuine interest in her clients' issues, her personal life experiences and a passion for justice provide her clients with "a best friend in the law". Talitha is no stranger to divorce - weathering her own in 2004. She is now married to Bill Wegner, also an attorney. Talitha adores Bill's three adult children and their partners as well as being "GrandTali" to four granddaughters.

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