Why you shouldn't make a child take sides in a divorce

Michael Sinel, MD, Author and Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA, shares advice for divorced parents on the importance of not making your child choose sides
Divorce And Children | Importance Of Not Making Kids Take Sides
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Why you shouldn't make a child take sides in a divorce

Although it might be tempting for a parent to point out the wrongs of the other spouse to make the child your ally. You have to remember that number 1, the judge will always see that as bad because the judge never wants the child involved on the conflict, and that will ultimately work against you in the judge's decision for custody. It's very important relative to the judge more importantly is really for the child's welfare. You never want the child seeing one parent in a worse light because your child loves and needs both parents and when they heard something bad about one parent it never serves their interest long term. You always would rather be the parent saying nice things and saying your mother loves you, I love you we see different on some things but that's okay we're both here with you forever.

Michael Sinel, MD, Author and Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA, shares advice for divorced parents on the importance of not making your child choose sides


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Michael Sinel, MD

Dad & Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA

Michael Sinel is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA, and author of two books. He practices Yoga and lives in Santa Monica with his family. 

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