Who can adopt a baby

Jill Boyer, MSW Adoption & Foster Care Expert, shares advice for people looking to adopt a child on what the qualifications are in the United States
Adoption Advice | Who Qualifies For A Domestic Adoption
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Who can adopt a baby

Families are curious to know if they qualify to adopt in the United States. The minimum requirement for age is 18 years old. There is no upper limit for adoption. People should know that singles, as well as same sex couples. The process is to rule families in and not to rule them out. The process is a very fluid one where there's a lot of understanding about past arrests and we encourage families to be open and honest about, so that we can get the process going. It is not a process that families should be afraid of.

Jill Boyer, MSW Adoption & Foster Care Expert, shares advice for people looking to adopt a child on what the qualifications are in the United States


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Jill Boyer, MSW

Adoption & Foster Care Expert

Jill W. Boyer, MSW was born in Detroit, Michigan. She earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Michigan State University in E. Lansing and a Master of Social Work Degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Ms. Boyer has dedicated her 25-year professional life primarily to supportive services for children and youth.

Prior to coming to Vista Del Mar Child And Family Services in 2005, Ms. Boyer has directed two post-adoption projects at The Institute for Black Parenting in Los Angeles, served as the Director of the Emergency Shelter Care Facility at Children’s Institute International in Torrance, was Acting Director of the Upward Bound Program at Harbor College, and provided and coordinated therapeutic services to families in the CALworks program.

She feels a special connection to adoption and foster care. She brings her experience to the Foster, Foster-Adopt, Domestic Adoption and Intercountry Adoption Programs at Vista, as the Community Services Program Director.

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