Fearing birth mother will change her mind about adoption

Adoption Attorney Felice Webster shares advice for adopting parents who are afraid that their birth mother may changer her mind and explains what has been built into the process to protect them
Fearing That Birth Mothers WIll Change Her Mind About Adoption
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Fearing birth mother will change her mind about adoption

Birth mothers are able to change their mind with regard to the adoption as long as they’re legally allowed to do so. That is until they’ve signed the adoption consent and the consent becomes irrevocable – before that, they are able to change their mind. But we’ve built into the process certain things that protect the adoption situation – that is we provide counseling to the birth mother, they may have legal representation if they want so that they’re able to make a good decision and make a solid commitment if that’s what they want to do to the adoption. There are times where she can change her mind during the whole process: either when she’s matched with her family, up until her consent is irrevocable. But whatever happens, in the rare case when the adoptions don’t work out, the adopting parents need to just continue pursuing adoption and not give up. Because the right baby will be out there for them and their family will be complete at some point.

Adoption Attorney Felice Webster shares advice for adopting parents who are afraid that their birth mother may changer her mind and explains what has been built into the process to protect them


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Felice Webster

Adoption Attorney

Felice Webster has been an Adoption Attorney for over 25 years. It is her privilege to help families come together by adoption, both in independent, stepparent, foster parent, and adult adoptions as well as in re-adoptions of internationally adopted children. She is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys and the Academy of California Adoption Lawyers. She enjoys being a frequent speaker on adoption and dependency law at adoption seminars and for foster parent agencies. Felice has been married for over 35 years and has two kids.

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